Too high house prices can be brought under control, on condition that the authorities introduce a series of regulatory policies.
Though his condition used to be under control, it became worse in 2018.
The aerobic selector process can control filamentous bulking efficiently under low F/M condition.
Links can have a link condition, which is an expression to control whether the link is allowed.
If you have not declared a handler for a condition, DB2 passes control to the next statement in the SQL procedure body.
如果没有为条件声明处理程序,DB 2将把控制器传递到SQL过程体中的下一个语句。
If a statement in your SQL procedure raises an SQLWARNING or NOT FOUND condition and if you have declared a handler for the respective condition, DB2 passes control to the corresponding handler.
如果SQL过程中有一个语句发出SQLWARNING或NOTFOUND条件,并且为相应的条件声明了一个处理程序,那么DB 2将把控制转移到相应的处理程序。
Standard practice is to alternate a stimulus with a control condition, but no tests of the control condition are present on the videotape.Dr.
Standard practice is to alternate a stimulus with a control condition, but no tests of the control condition are present on the videotape. Dr.
In the case of the DB2 example in the left column of Table 3, if a particular SQL statement fails and generates an error, control is passed to the condition handler.
对于表3左侧列的DB 2示例,如果某条sql语句失败并生成一个错误,那么控制将被传递给条件处理程序。
About one in 10 sufferers cannot control the condition with medication or cannot tolerate the drugs, leaving them at greater risk.
As predicted, participants in the love condition solved more creativity problems and less analytic problems than those in the control condition.
By contrast, their same-aged peers from the control condition failed to move their hands.
They were more generous than men while thinking about music in the control condition (23% gave money) and only slightly more generous when thinking about love (27% gave money).
Children who had been randomly assigned to the control condition were told that they had been successful on a random two of the four trials.
Process of hydroxyl calcium phosphate was introduced, and control condition of process on the quality of product was discussed.
Its main feature is that measurement of remelting rate parameter has come out making use of weighing model which improves control condition on field.
In a second study Eric’s thanks (or lack of thanks in the control condition) was followed, a day later, by an email from ‘Steven’ asking for similar help.
The evolvement of the pattern of management control system has close connection with the transformation of control condition.
The article also discussed that the control condition of cue familiarity and accessibility might affect their relationship with FOK.
This offers an effective means for diesel engine vibration and noise control, condition monitoring, and cylinder pressure recognition.
Starting from the energy principle and regarding the minimum strain energy as control condition, we get the best position design of the hanging point.
Factors influencing the particle size of Glauber's salt is analyzed and the optimum process control condition is proposed.
Driving system of electric vehicle based on DTC is researched according to the actual control condition of the electric vehicle.
IRCFG is used for describing the paths of messages event in UML sequence diagrams by control condition of messages.
This paper discusses the features of the gold deposits in Zhang Jiakou district. It analyses the mineralization and the metallogenetic control condition.
Control condition can be divided into external condition of organization and internal condition of organization.
In recent years, Many studies treat waste water according to modified methods of fly ash and searching the best control condition.
The fatigue fracture mode of LY12CZ aluminum alloy specimen with coating is investigated under stress control condition.
在应力控制下,分析带有涂层的LY 12CZ铝合金构件疲劳断裂方式。
This allows the control condition to be comprised solely of local variables and therefore run much faster.
The main control condition is quartz diorite-porphyrite with the shape of small rock stub(subvolcanic rocks), among the parasitic rubblerack tube and the off-lying crack, the gold orebody occurs.