A forest fire that broke out Sunday near Luoji Village in Shangrila County of Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Diqing in Yunnan Province has been brought under control as of 11:30 am Wednesday.
Another fire started to extinguish or control an oncoming fire, as in a forest, by burning an area in the path of the oncoming flames.
A fire truck moves away from out-of-control flames from a bushfire in the Bunyip State Forest near the township of Tonimbuk, west of Melbourne.
Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control.
The fire wind phenomenon in forest fire brings a direct effect on the control and suppression of forest fire.
The risk management of forest fires is one of the important measures and methods for fire fighters to prevent, reduce and control the casualties.
Forest health is a new theory produced in control practice of forest pest and fire in recent ten years.
Forest fire management refers to people organized and carried out by the forest fires for the prevention, control and put out of work.
In the forest fire control system is an important data element collection, treatment and platform communications.
Typical applications include missiles guidance, aerial survey, infrared hunting and tracing system, custom suppress smuggling, salvage equipment and forest fire control etc.
Israeli police have arrested two men on suspicion of involvement in a huge forest fire that's raging out of control in northern Israel.
Forest fire out of control near Athens.
The forest ranger, an expert in forest fire control, talked to the camper about safety in the woods.
The forest ranger, an expert in forest fire control, talked to the camper about safety in the woods.