Computer applications including scientific computing, data processing and information management, automatic control, computer-aided design manufacturing and testing, the system simulation.
MATLAB is a software package used in science and engineering calculation. It is convenient of MATLAB to carry out computer aided design of control system.
This paper mainly studies the design of the oil source system, and the computer aided test and control system, including the software and hardware subsystems.
Today MATLAB is most popular Computer- Aided Control System Design software.
In this paper, an optimum method of a digital computer-aided automatic design for the compensating network in the control system is described.
From the point of practical use, an intelligent computer aided railway traffic control system combining the expert system with computer aided design (CAD) technique is proposed.
This paper describes SCTI, a computer aided control system design software package.
It concludes that MATLAB is a powerful software for computer aided control System's design and analysis as well as System simulation and identification. The programming method is easy to learn.
It concludes that MATLAB is a powerful software for computer aided control System's design and analysis as well as System simulation and identification. The programming method is easy to learn.