"There are significant opportunities for private industry to partner in the homeland security and sub-conventional warfare space, " Raju said.
Yet these nations remain aware that conventional warfare is not dead but only dormant, and seek to maintain their fleets' traditional capabilities as well.
For zero nukes would make no sense if this left the world safe for the sorts of mass conventional warfare that consumed the first half of the 20th century.
It is a move away from weapons for conventional conflicts, focusing instead on weapons needed for the unconventional warfare the us is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Saudis have earned poor marks for fighting skill in the past, and Iran’s military planners appear, in any case, to emphasize asymmetric warfare and guerrilla tactics more than conventional combat.
As the nature of warfare changes, favoring urban combat and regional conflicts rather than conventional combat, the military is gaining a great deal of interest in less-lethal weapons.
As the nature of warfare changes, favoring urban combat and regional conflicts rather than conventional combat, the military is gaining a great deal of interest in less-lethal weapons.