Japan itself had a Level 4 accident in 1999, when three workers preparing fuel for a reactor at a Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion plant triggered a nuclear chain reaction, called a criticality.
日本在1999年就曾发生过一次4级核事故(又称“东海村核事故”——译注),当时在日本核燃料转换公司(Japan NuclearFuel Conversion)的一个燃料厂内,三名正在为反应堆准备燃料的工人引发了一次链式核反应,使反应堆达到临界状态。
And the gasification reaction rate decreases with an increasing of carbon conversion.
Oxidation reaction is an important method for the conversion of functional groups in aromatic compounds.
The influence of different reaction conditions on toluene conversion is examined and discussed.
Complete the finite element procedure of conversion between epoch curve and reaction curve of earthquake acceleration.
The results show that the application of iron acetate catalyst can not only promote diphenylmethane conversion, but also accelerate the reaction rate.
The conversion of phosphate into phosphine was an important biological reaction with potential value in application.
The methane conversion increased and formaldehyde selectivity decreased and formaldehyde specific activity increased as the reaction temperature rising.
Hollow hydroxyapatite (HAP) microspheres with pores on their surfaces were prepared by in situ conversion reaction of Li-Ca-B glass in phosphate solution.
Effects of the catalyst preparation and reaction conditions of oligomerization on naphthalene conversion were investigated in detail.
The appropriate choice of anodic and cathodic material is effective for the acceleration of electrochemical reaction rate, which favors electrochemical conversion of organic matters.
Some factors which influence the reaction conversion and the reaction mechanism have also been investigated.
The conversion of benzaldehyde and yield of benzylidene acetone were influenced by reaction time, temperature and initial water volume.
The influence of reaction temperature and WHSV on conversion of propylene oxide is not appreciable.
We also studied the reaction conditions which influence on the conversion ratio, selectivity and yield.
The results indicated that the conversion of CO2 is negative if the watergas shift reaction exist and it will be zero if the catalyst can control no watergas shift reaction to take place.
The Kinetics of thermal conversion reaction of Huanxiling vacuum residue were also studied with the determination of the order of reaction and apparent activation energy.
The process had the advantages of low reaction temperature, high conversion rate, high yield, recycle of solvent, and low waste disposal.
Based on the methods for calculating directly the conversion and reaction rate at any time from a DTA curve, the kinetic parameters of gasification are obtained.
The effects of chloridization reactor, preheat temperature, chlorine flow rate, reaction temperature and reaction time on the conversion of chlorine gas were examined.
This article introduces the chemical reaction mechanism of urea conversion into melamine. It also describes the optimum reaction conditions for low-pressure Catalytic melamine production process.
The results indicated that CO conversion was higher in supercritical phase reaction (SCPR) than in gas phase reaction (GPR) over the three kinds of catalysts.
The reaction features of the catalytic conversion of butylenes to propylene and ethylene were investigated.
探索了丁烯催化转化为丙烯、 乙烯的反应特点。
Experimental results show that both the variation of monomer conversion with reaction time and molecular weight with it 's distribution show a linear relationship.
The results showed that during the initial stage of reaction, conversion rate was larger and the content of "oil" (include gases and water) in the product increased quick-ly.
The influences of reaction temperature and reaction time on the epoxy conversion of EPON828 were discussed.
While the steroid in a very low solubility in aqueous media, traditional biological conversion reaction carried out in the water phase are often restricted on available substrates.
The results showed that both carbon conversion and gas composition were strongly influenced by the catalyst content and reaction temperature.
The controlled items mainly consist of feed quantity, reaction temperature, catalyst usage and ratio, conversion rate and polymer Mooney viscosity.
Improvements in the process conditions were performed, including reaction temperature, polymer concentration, conversion and the feeding system of additives based on the experimental results.