Through your MESOs, you can gather better information, convey more information, and remain persistent.
Build sidebars and panes of text that are revealed at just the right time, but convey more information than you'd usually provide.
The images, formatting, and styling can convey information more effectively than unformatted text.
It is due to its presence, so that graphic design to convey information in a more scientific and accurate, showing a more colorful way.
In this case, it seems I was more concerned about the composition of the board rather than the information I was trying to convey.
I can convey the intensity of the keyboard personal characteristics, can transmit more information.
Micro blog makes our lives more colorful and convey information and share emotions, thus we enjoy update micro blog.
Good website, can not only give people a good visual enjoyment, more is to convey a kind of design concepts and information!
The basic function is to convey the graphics and visual information with the birth of network technology and popularization of digital media, graphics and communicate more rich, more personalized.
The body language teaching is aimed to convey and receive the communicative information more accurately and appropriately, and enable the learners to avoid the cultural misunderstanding and conflict.
Interaction means the process in which two or more people convey their viewpointsand emotions to each other, exchange information and influence each other.
This amount of money is not spent only to protect the wearer from the elements — any more than the money spent on telecommunications is spent to convey vital information.
Presupposed vagueness in advertisement helps to convey information more efficient.
A particular signal may convey more than one type of information. Therefore, a signal can be classified as more than one type of signal, and thus you can measure it in more than one way.
Nowadays, China is playing a more and more important role in the international economical and social field, but we have no such business newspaper to convey the international information.
Nowadays, China is playing a more and more important role in the international economical and social field, but we have no such business newspaper to convey the international information.