The scholar foolishly took the school cooling pond for swimming pool.
The area required for a cooling pond can be estimated for the appropriate climatic condition.
Engineering installations and necessary data to impel cooling pond to form surface-flow for heat loss have been given.
According to the gas station environment, a conventional cooling pond is changed to a park landscape pond by reforming the circulating cooling process piping.
The head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission said he thought the cooling pond of the plant's No. 4 reactor was completely dry, leaving its fuel rods exposed.
The fuel in unit 4's cooling pond is thought to have been removed from the reactor sometime in November.Over the past four months, it will have cooled down substantially, making exposure less likely.
The fuel in unit 4's cooling pond is thought to have been removed from the reactor sometime in November. Over the past four months, it will have cooled down substantially, making exposure less likely.
The oval courtyard pond provides evaporative cooling, while the temperature of the building is regulated with a geothermal system that USES energy from the earth for heating and cooling.
The savant foolishly took the school cooling pool because swimming pond.
Outspent fuel is placed to a cooling down pond and then is transported to a storage cell.
Outspent fuel is placed to a cooling down pond and then is transported to a storage cell.