The illustration results obtained by using this method have confirmed that reliable line could be illustrated no matter how scattering the data points on the coordinate-paper may be.
According to mechanism of orthographic projection, this paper has set up the converted relation between screen coordinate and space coordinate.
This paper adopt sphere coordinate changing method to forecast industrial structure and labor structure in Tongchuan on this problem.
The paper applies combined analysis, especially the analytical methods of Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Function and the analysis of Man-land coordinate relationship.
The coordinate changing method used to bring the CAM theory profile of the eccentricity rotor tri-proportion controller was introduced in this paper.
The first, The paper introduces the function, composing and classification of the manipulator, tells out the free-degree and the form of coordinate.
This paper presents numerical solution for governing equation of flows in curvilinear coordinate system with nonstaggered grids.
This paper presents a new type of finger based on pneumatic bending joint and establishes the kinematics equation of the finger by using coordinate system transform.
Through discussion of the stability and coordinate region, the paper illustrated its clinical application.
The formula for area of triangle on ellipsoid by means of geodesic coordinate is derived in this paper.
Moreover, this paper puts forward a unidirectional infinite coordinate reflecting the function of three new formations: three, seven and eight nodes.
The process flow of the fliht track orientation is simplified in this paper The plane coordinate of the orientation points can be directly obtained from a morphographic map on a digitizer.
The viable method in this paper provides for GPS coordinate positioning based on scan tactical map.
This paper described the transformation theory of polar_log grid coordinate and its application to distance_measuring.
For the large groups, this paper defines the experts decision coordinate and the ideal coordinate which can objectively reflect the real evaluation.
This paper analyses the systematic error of three coordinate measuring machine of bridge type construction.
This paper introduces the two coordinate Numerical control milling machine tool design.
In this paper, the parallel coordinate technique is introduced broadly including definition, math express and usage.
Based on the principle of computer vision, this paper presents a matrix algorithm for the coordinate transformation from visual plane to geographical plane.
In this paper, a direct method for static voltage collapse point in rectangle coordinate is presented.
In this paper, a natural coordinate method suitable for the computer kinematic analysis of multibody system is introduced.
In the paper the calculation methods of the coordinate dimension will be discussed and analyzed, and another calculation method will be put forward to make it more perfect.
The optical principium of two sets of and multi sets of CCD vertical target measurement system is introduced in this paper. The calculation method of coordinate is presented.
This paper proposes a parallelogram prediction method for vertex coordinate compression.
From the angel of four dimensions vector and physics observation, this paper discusses the coordinate transform relationship between the relative movement inertia reference frames.
This paper presents an autonomous movement algorithm of coordinate measurement machine (CMM).
The basic theory of Maximum Coordinate Method was dealt with in this paper and the model for analyzing kinematics of Double Control Arm Suspension obtained.
This paper is mainly about a three-D coordinate measurement system, which is based on intersection converge imaging principle, using space probe.
This paper is mainly about a three-D coordinate measurement system, which is based on intersection converge imaging principle, using space probe.