As a coping strategy, he started going to the gym late at night.
Rejecting climate change as a problem is, in a way, a coping strategy.
It's a coping strategy, and over time it becomes a natural way to respond.
Relaxation training, such as meditation, is one type of coping strategy.
It hasn't cured my insomnia, but at least it has given me a coping strategy - acceptance.
The main modifiers of middle school teachers were behavior manners, coping strategy and self-esteem.
In chapter four, the author mainly describes the plight and the coping strategy of EST translation study.
Objective: To explore the effect of coping strategy in midwifery on the occurrence and degree of neonatal asphyxia.
Objective: to explore the influencing factor and coping strategy for the psychological status in the freshmen of medical university.
The buffering effect of coping strategy adoptions was found in this study, but the mechanisms of the effect merit further exploration.
Conclusion: Some of preschool teachers have mental disorders. Coping strategy plays an important role in the mental health of the preschool teachers.
All groups were assessed with the Coping Strategy Indicator, which examines strategies most frequently identified across studies of young and old alike.
Objective to study effect of adaptation to college, individual coping strategy and psychosocial control competence on mental health of first-year students.
Her message: the path to contentment depends on finding the coping strategy that suits you best, even if that means expressing anger or sadness along the way.
In the end, provides the coping strategy to the contract price adjustment coursed by the difference of quantities under the condition of the lump sum contract.
The most common coping strategy, though, is simply to increase the number of paying people per square foot of dwelling space — by doubling up or renting to couch-surfers.
The significant positive correlation between positive coping and intro-extra version showed that the extraversion one will much likely to adopt more positive coping strategy.
In Study One, coping Strategy Questionnaire was used to examine the basic features of HVC students' coping strategies, and the results were compared with a sample of 445 university students.
After that this study analysis the internal mechanism of its effects on performance, considering perceived self-efficacy, coping strategy and internal goal setting are the main internal mediators.
Mobility was not the dominant working-class strategy for coping with unemployment, nor was assistance from private charities or state agencies.
A quest for greater fairness, in income levels, in opportunities, in access to medicines and health services, has become a strategy for coping with the unique pressures of a globalizing world.
Devise a new strategy for coping with whatever was behind your setback.
I expected and worked to find a strategy there which, if not the best, would at least have a chance of coping with the issue for a short while.
Venting isn't an effective strategy to deal with setbacks; acceptance, humor, and positive thinking are a better ways of coping.
More and more relevant theories and researches treated help-seeking as an adaptive strategy for coping with difficulty and promoting mastery.
More and more relevant theories and researches treated help-seeking as an adaptive strategy for coping with difficulty and promoting mastery.