Multiphase equilibrium mathematical model for the copper flash smelting process is established based on the Gibbs principle of minimum free energy.
The article, taking NCC software used in copper flash smelting process as the example, introduces its development, definition, function and practical example.
In the process of copper flash smelting, because the moisture contents of copper ore is a very important parameter, it must be controlled between 0.1-0.3% by pneumatic drying.
在铜闪速炉炼生产过程中,入炉铜精矿的水分是一个非常重要的参数,必须通过气流干燥过程控制在0.1 ~ 0.3%之间。
Guixi Smelter of Jiangxi copper Company is a first copper smelting plant to adopt the flash smelting technology in China.
The "Double-Flash"(Flash Smelting and Flash Converting) copper smelting technique, main equipments, production practice and existing problems and problem solutions of Xiangguang Copper are introduced.
In the sulfuric acid plant of Jiangxi Copper Company Guixi Smelter, sulfuric acid is made using smelting fume from the flash furnace and the convertor.
The loss of copper in electric furnace slag during flash smelting operation is described.
Safety inspection methods and some points for attention are introduced to waste heat boiler of flash furnace in Guixi Smelting Plant, Jiangxi Copper Industry Co.
The paper introduces briefly the retrofit of the cleaning equipment and the operating results of the cylinder type bag filter in the fluidization systems for the copper smelting flash furnace.
The intensification and optimization of the copper smelting process in flash furnace are investigated by using of the "high efficiency reaction core" model.
The intensification and optimization of the copper smelting process in flash furnace are investigated by using of the "high efficiency reaction core" model.