The Copy On Write technique allows both the parent and the child to read the same physical pages.
In fact, since this file system is a "copy on write" file system, it knows exactly what the new files are, so it can efficiently package just the parts you added into an "image" layer.
If you would like a copy of our information leaflet, simply write to us, on a postcard please, at the address given below.
So again, when the disk write completes, it is guaranteed to be both on the production and the backup copy.
When deploying SQLJ stored procedures, write the JAR file to a file and execute a BIND package COPY to create the package on the target server.
If you plan to write letters or postcards to loved ones, copy their addresses on a piece of paper.
An interesting side effect of the copy-on-write design is that all writes to the file system become sequential writes (because remapping is always occurring).
Given the copy-on-write nature of ZFS, features like snapshots and clones become simple to provide.
Embedded within ZFS is an implementation of an important set of features such as snapshots, copy-on-write clones, continuous integrity checking, and data protection through RAID-Z.
ZFS内嵌入的是重要功能集(如快照、即写即拷克隆、连续完整性检查和通过RAID - Z的数据保护)的实现。
An interesting attribute of ZFS comes with the combination of RAID-Z, copy-on-write transactions, and dynamic stripe widths.
ZFS的一个有趣属性随raid - Z、即写即拷事务和动态条带宽度的组合而来。
ZFS USES a copy-on-write model for managing data on the storage.
When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests, who are Levites.
As long as this is the behavior you want, like for notifying all of the elements in the original set of event listeners, you're better off using the copy-on-write collections.
如果这种行为(比如通知原来一组事件监听器中的所有元素)是您需要的,那么最好使用copy -on - write集合。
As Listing 6 demonstrates, the use of the collection is identical to their non-copy-on-write alternative.
如清单6所示,集合的使用与它们的非copy - on - write替代物完全一样。
This is accomplished by having an exception list that is updated every time something changes between the LVs (formally known as CoW, Copy-on-Write).
快照由一个例外列表(exception list)来实现,每当LV之间出现差异时就会更新这个列表(正式的说法是CoW,Copy - on - Write)。
Copy-on-write is advantageous for a number of reasons (not only for some of the capabilities like the snapshots and clones that it enables).
Is a kind of novel carbon paper, its characteristic is that on the upper deck of the carbon paper to write, no pads with inks carbon layer can also copy.
The common data replicate technologies of snapshot system in storage subsystem layer are split mirror and copy-on-write.
In the soul in the speech, I have worked, write a speech, and under the teacher's choice, but I lost, but ze-cheng wang copy an article on the computer has passed.
You put it between two pieces of paper, then you write on the top one and it creates as copy on the bottom one.
The purpose I bought the print is to copy down the important material from net conveniently. Another use is to collect articles I write on the web.
Over the years, I've tired to copy the example of Don and other friends who care enough to write uplifting comments , because I think they are on to something important.
The following figure illustrates such a copy-on-write operation.
Did your teacher in school ever write a sentence on the board or in your book and then tell you to copy it?
This process is called a copy-on-write operation.
NASB: "Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests."
Copy-on-write (or COW) is a technique to delay or altogether prevent copying of the data.
Copy-on-write (or COW) is a technique to delay or altogether prevent copying of the data.