The end product of this analysis stage is a model that defines core services (business processes), how they interact, and how they are invoked by actors or other services.
The core arguments about the future of English come in two chapters at the end of the book. But the predictions are striking.
At the end of this part of the series, you will have built the database, a PHP module for the core bank logic, and a single-page based browser user interface, which are all part of our bank scenario.
But if you make this context the core element in the curriculum, you are sacrificing depth for breadth, and you will end up with a superficial gallop through the centuries.
Core inflation, which excludes more volatile elements such as energy, fell from 3.1pc to 2.6pc, its lowest level since the end of last year.
There is a coolant loop no matter what, so you end up to some degree cooling the core because the heated water rises and colder water gets pulled in.
The XML data that is passed from the core of your application to the front end should contain only information necessary for display and further processing.
Signals that the endless fumbling over Greece's second bailout will end in debt restructuring prompted investor flight from core euro-zone countries as well as peripheral ones.
The core of a steam engine is a cylinder that is sealed at one end and has a moving piston at the other.
The blowdown, which means the end of the period whereby all of the water in the core is essentially out of the core, will take place after twenty six seconds.
The interesting calls are the ones where the person on the other end clearly knows how to interview or USES a method like "five whys" to really get at the core of something they are interested in.
Most of the changes are taking place far underneath the core of the engine, making the end result quite seamless to most web users.
Thanks to the recession's severity and still-high unemployment, core inflation is likely before year end to fall below its previous record low of 0.7%.
Odds are, even if your entire framework isn't modular, you will end up identifying core functionality to move to helper classes or helper scripts.
Armed with this ambition, she would read novels and literary biographies without end. This would give her a core knowledge of her field.
The end result is that each physical processor core is represented by two virtual processors.
At the core we deployed a request broker, put a wrapper around their infrastructure and started to migrate their back-end services.
In fact, many of the problems surfacing today in core systems result from the application of tactical integration solutions with minimal regard for the end-to-end solution architecture.
It highlights the core products for Business Process Management and provides a complete end-to-end Business Process Management scenario implementation.
These sorts of applications are characterized by large amounts of live heap data and considerable thread-level parallelism, and are often run on high-end multi-core processors.
Core subjects are replaced by specialisations by the end of the first year.
UBS, a Swiss bank, has seen its tier-one ratio (which divides a bank's risk-weighted assets by its core capital) fall from 12.3% at the end of the second quarter to 10.6%.
In the fag-end of its 12-year reign, Labour has lost even core supporters.
Core Layer – XNA-based development for high-end graphics such as 3D animation or rendering with custom pixel shaders.
To this end, the Commission is also being asked to propose a set of core indicators for measuring women's and children's health.
The American and European systems actually had a core-capital ratio of nearer 6% at the end of 2007, according to the Bank of England.
To this end, within PBE we provide 3 constructs: a set of core values, a development practice and a set of patterns and guidelines.
To this end, within PBE we provide 3 constructs: a set of core values, a development practice and a set of patterns and guidelines.