There are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars.
Some critics have suggested that the production of corn ethanol uses up more fossil fuel energy than the biofuel energy it eventually produces.
Algae are attracting attention because the strains can potentially produce 10 or more times more fuel per acre than the corn used to make ethanol or the soybeans used to make biodiesel.
Last year's corn harvest in America, the world's biggest producer, was lower than expected, but demand has increased as more corn is used for ethanol fuel.
That's because fermenting corn into ethanol delivers less liquid fuel energy for internal combustion engines than does burning the kernels to generate power for electric motors.
To further boost using corn to fuel your car, Congress created subsidies paying gasoline blenders for every gallon they blend with ethanol.
But now the notion of exploiting trees for fuel is being updated with a high-tech twist. The idea is to make ethanol, a biofuel that usually comes from maize (corn) or sugar cane, from trees instead.
Agricultural crops like corn and soybeans can be used for making ethanol for motor fuel.
The company predicts a yield of 15,000 gallons of diesel components per acre — far more fuel than an acre of corn grown for ethanol can produce.
For the production state of fuel ethanol from summer corn in China, carbon budgets in overall life cycle of the ethanol were evaluated and its main influence factors were identified.
Some were hoping for a big corn crop this year to sell for ethanol fuel.
The cost of fuel and corn - much of which is getting diverted to make ethanol - makes it hard for the people who grow the turkeys to make a living.
The method of net energy analysis for fuel ethanol from corn was developed based on principles of life cycle inventory(LCI) analysis.
One experimental clean-energy car runs on natural gas. Another USES ethanol distilled from corn. A third has a zero-emissions electric motor powered by a hydrogen fuel cell.
Ethanol fuel, made from plants such as corn and sugar cane, has been advocated by some people as an alternative to gasoline in the United States.
Energy efficiency (net energy gain or energy ratio) of corn-based ethanol as a substitute for fossil fuel is an important criteria for assessing its sustainability.
Biofuel is fuel made from plant material or animal waste. Ethanol is a biofuel made from corn and other plants.
This study provided a basis for optimization of production technology of fuel ethanol with corn stalk as material.
In order to ignite the liquids product successfully, ethanol was used as an auxiliary fuel for the heating value determination of liquid product obtained from corn stalk pyrolysis using calorimeter.
The methodology of carbon balance analysis for fuel ethanol from corn was developed based on principles of life cycle analysis.
Corn, or maize, is mostly fed to animals or made into ethanol fuel and high-fructose corn syrup.
The conversion of sugarcane, corn, cassava and fiber waste to fuel ethanol by microbial fermentation techniques has become an ideal approach to settle the worldwide energy crisis.
Some critics may argue, cost for producing corn - based (alternative fuel) ethanol is more than the savings incurred.
Besides extracting corn 's starch content to be turned into fuel for cars, ethanol refineries convert the rest of the crop into distillers' grains.
The corn stover supply system consists of collection, pre-processing, transportation and on-site fuel storage and preparation to produce heat and power for the ethanol plant.
The corn stover supply system consists of collection, pre-processing, transportation and on-site fuel storage and preparation to produce heat and power for the ethanol plant.