Gripping delivery mechanism is one of the key parts in corn harvester for reaping both corn stalk and spike.
The numerical results can provide reasonable data for the research and structure optimization of corn harvester.
At home, corn planting has multiplicity about specifications. At present, it is not-matching between corn harvester and planting system.
Corn harvester exists in some disadvantages, for example, illogical configuration, unsatisfactory performance, high seeds broken up and loss ratio, and so on.
Straw quantitative mechanism is one of the key components for multi-function corn harvester, which is used for stacking quantificationally corn straw after being harvested.
Yield monitor system installed on combine harvester is the best way to carry out corn yield measurement real time.
The purpose of the invention is to provide a lifting device for a reel of a harvester, which can harvest wheat as well as corn.
With analyzing and studying on the existing corn combine harvester, a choice of vertical ear- pitched, vertical knife cylinder and vertical turning of stubble is made.
With analyzing and studying on the existing corn combine harvester, a choice of vertical ear- pitched, vertical knife cylinder and vertical turning of stubble is made.