The prevention and cure effect of 6.9% corn seed coating of isofenphos-methyl triadimefon and tebuconazole on hypogeous pests and corn smut were studied with the method of plot experiments.
采用小区试验方法进行了质量分数为6 9%甲柳酮戊唑玉米种衣剂防治玉米地下害虫、丝黑穗病田间药效试验。
The prevention and cure effect of 6.9% corn seed coating of isofenphos-methyl triadimefon and tebuconazole on hypogeous pests and corn smut were studied with the method of plot experiments.
采用小区试验方法进行了质量分数为6 9%甲柳酮戊唑玉米种衣剂防治玉米地下害虫、丝黑穗病田间药效试验。