Some corporations shun the use of executive titles because they fear that the use of titles indicating position in the corporation tends to inhibit communication up and down the corporate hierarchy.
Cynthia Shapiro, former human resource executive and author of "Corporate Confidential: 50 Secrets Your Company Doesn't Want You to Know."
At the root of all this is the widening gap between executive pay and corporate performance.
Another example of corporate blogging is the executive blog.
Kindler joined Pfizer in 2002 from McDonald's corp., where he was general counsel and executive vice President for corporate relations.
Perhaps a fast-talking stockbroker or a greedy executive like the ones who were jailed over the summer in the wake of US corporate scandals.
Similarly, an executive can create a warmer atmosphere by unilaterally giving away some corporate candy early in the talk to sweeten the pot.
WHATEVER your notion of what constitutes good corporate governance for a listed company, having an important executive arrested is a problem.
For example, real-time alerts or executive dashboards are forms of presentation that show high-level measurements of corporate performance.
Perhaps the most celebrated of corporate whistle-blowers, Sherron Watkins, a former executive at Enron, never went public with her prediction that the company might be brought down by fraud.
According to a study released this week by executive pay consultant Equilar, most corporate jet perks remain strong, and there is no sign they are fading.
Under former chief executive Louis Gerstner, IBM pulled off one of the most remarkable turnarounds in corporate history.
在前任首席执行官路易斯·郭士纳(Louis Gerstner)的带领下,IBM完成了公司历史上最重大的转型之一。
Other high-stress positions included senior corporate executive, advertising account executive, architect and stockbroker。
Harrah's, the casino operator that runs the WSOP, has brought in Jeffrey Pollack, a former NASCAR executive, to smooth its image and entice in corporate money.
The challenges of being a corporate executive drove her back on all her personal resources.
Three corporate executive were trying to define the word "fame".
Effective work-life benefits encourage employees to work harder and discourage them from quitting their jobs, according to research by the Corporate Executive Board.
HP is now struggling to fill not one but two top positions: Mr Hurd doubled as chief executive and chairman (despite pointed warnings from corporate reformers).
You can demonstrate a program for a corporate executive, but you can't make him computer literate.
You can demonstrate a program for a corporate executive, but you can't make him computer literate.
Pete was the senior executive who led Yahoo! 's successful large-scale corporate adoption of Scrum, which grew to more than 2,000 employees worldwide.
Pete作为高级行政人员成功领导Yahoo !的在大型企业Scrum的实施,这一实施增长至在全球的超过2000名员工。
“December 2010 provided solid proof of a resilient recovery for both the leisure and corporate hotel markets, ” said Mike Kistner, chief executive officer of Pegasus Solutions.
Brian Kropp, a managing director at Corporate Executive Board, says that companies value personality over experience in a range of industries.
公司执行委员会(Corporate Executive Board)常务董事布莱恩·克鲁普认为,在许多行业中,与经验相比,企业更注重个人品性。
Brian Kropp, a managing director at Corporate Executive Board, says that companies value personality over experience in a range of industries.
公司执行委员会(Corporate Executive Board)常务董事布莱恩·克鲁普认为,在许多行业中,与经验相比,企业更注重个人品性。