As such, testing depends on the use of test scripts and tracing to determine correctness and identify problems.
Get the service provider and consumers to agree on testing methods to ensure correctness of services in the SOA.
It is designed for vague and rapidly changing requirements, advocates short development cycles to maximize learning, and requires constant testing and refactoring of code to ensure its correctness.
Regression testing is used to determine the correctness and quality of the product.
Testing isn't only about correctness.
The result of the testing validates the correctness of the design.
However, the idea of demonstrating correctness is really the reverse of what testing is all about. We test a program in order to demonstrate the existence of an error.
ILOG JRules rule Scenario Manager: an integrated environment for testing, verifying correctness of rules, and simulating changes in business policies.
The testing results of prototype indicate that the verification device can verify the projects, such as Clock Daily Error, Current Hour Error, Parking Timing Error, Charging Correctness.
Testing the correctness of the system configuration and security holes, and prompts the administrator to fix vulnerabilities.
The correctness of the models and simulation had been verified indirectly by testing the temperature inward-outward superficial coat of the bearing race snap.
Testing results indicate that the error between calculated and tested data doesn't exceed 5%. The correctness and validation of the simulation model is demonstrated.
As the Anti-lock Brake System(ABS) has been widely used, testing assembly correctness of Commercial Motors ABS has become more and more important.
Testing results show the validity and correctness of the theory and the prototype.
A large volumes of data processing. In the final stages of testing work done is: to communications pressure testing, and the correctness of the test data.
The correctness of the model is verified by the comparison of simulating and testing results of the current waveform, the output torque, the ripple torque and some other performance indexes.
However, the idea of demonstrating correctness is really the reverse of that testing is all about. We test a program in order to demonstrate the existence of an error.
Their availability and correctness have been validated in testing.
Protocol conformance testing is the main method to ensure the correctness and validity of protocol implementation.
The proper grounding of laboratory instruments and equipments is critical to the correctness of testing data. The selection and implementation of a laboratory grounding system design is introduced.
At the same time, testing the order by K-nearest neighbor classifier which is also comes from data mining and the result proves the correctness and feasibility of this method.
同时,运用数据挖掘中的K -最临近分类方法对所得出的强弱顺序进行测试,结果表明了这种区分方法的正确性、可行性。
The suitable use of some testing instruments can verify the correctness of the ideas of failure analysis, and develop the ideas also.
This paper also presents system testing methods and testing results, unit tests are used to test the correctness and stability of each unit module.
In the end, the correctness and validity of all these techniques get proved by running loop programs on the all-purpose testing model for X stream processor.
According to the definition of crimp frequency and crimpness, a testing method of staple fiber 's crimp feature is found and the correctness of this method is proved.
In order to verify the correctness, feasibility and reliability of the design calculations, did the work include construction and installation, testing and experimental research.
The wiring correctness of differential protection current loop can be verified using phasor analyzing method and on load testing method.
The correctness of the theory has been verified in the testing of the dual mass vibrating feeder.
The correctness of the theory has been verified in the testing of the dual mass vibrating feeder.