The fracture and the surface of a hip joint fractured invivo has been studied by SEM. It is concluded that the fracture was due to corrosion fatigue cracking by bending stress.
There are some factors which influence the characteristics of initiation and propagation of stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue cracking in high-strength steel in a watery environment.
Through-thickness cracking also can lead to fatigue or stress corrosion cracking of the base metal beneath the plating.
Stress concentrations can lead to initiation of cracking by fatigue, stress corrosion, or hydrogen-assisted stress corrosion.
It is one of surface strengthening technology which is used to improve the resistance of fatigue fracture and stress corrosion cracking of metalic parts and components.
It is one of surface strengthening technology which is used to improve the resistance of fatigue fracture and stress corrosion cracking of metalic parts and components.