The cost per unit of DNA sequenced is extraordinarily high.
A carbon tax would set a specific cost per unit of carbon dioxide, thus establishing a clear cost for carbon.
Economies of scale These result in the company benefiting from a reduction in the average cost per unit.
Under this circumstance, the variable cost per unit will reduce with the increase of the accumulated output.
Grouping small shipment into large ones is the primary method to lower cost per unit of weight in transportation.
So he and other experts recommend shoppers look at the item's cost per unit, which is found on the shelf sticker next to the item.
The problem is to determine the optimal replacement policy ( N , T )? such that the long-run expected cost per unit time is minimized.
利用几何过程,以系统大修次数N和大修时间间隔T为更换策略,选择最优策略( N , T)使系统经长期运行单位时间的期望费用最小。
All this is inevitably expensive, but Mrs Cheung insists that greater scale creates greater efficiency and reduces the cost per unit of output.
Numerical results show that the player's profits become more stable if the speed of adjustment decreases or variable cost per unit increases.
Economy of Scale the decrease in the long-term total cost of manufacturing a product due to the lower cost per unit for larger quantities produced.
It displays key details about the usage of a business service such as its volume, cost per unit, cost modifier, and the total cost in a particular period.
The objective function on line 20 minimizes the total food cost as the total of each decision variable (amount of food) multiplied by that food's cost per unit.
Marks added that when items go on sale, shoppers should always compare the cost per unit on both the big and small packages to see which is a better deal.
It is based on a database of past PDC bits. In the databased, it includes bit type, average shear stress of well which bit was used in, cost per unit length.
该方法以一个建成的PD C钻头使用资料库为基础,该数据库包括钻头型号、所钻井段地层的平均剪切强度、单位进尺钻井成本等指标。
The expected cost per unit -time for infinite time span is analyzed strictly under the mathematical model constructed, and the optimum age replacement decision is also discussed.
Taking the minimum cost per unit power generation as the objective function, a thermo-economic optimization model for gas and steam combined cycle power generation system is established.
Equipments random inventory management strategy and relevant factors include ordering cost, storage cost, average cost per unit time, probability of no shortage of spare parts, and decision models.
Phone calls cost 20c per unit off-peak.
Cost: the amount per unit charged to the organization for the utilization of the business service.
If you increase single unit capacity you can reduce the per MW cost.
The price "per unit" cost of these items is significantly more than if you had just bought one big box of cheese crackers or bag of chips.
The Pentagon official told reporters that STOVL problems had helped cause the program's breach of the Nunn-McCurdy statute that caps per-unit cost growth on weapons.
国防部官员告诉记者,STOVL型的问题已经导致该计划违背了Nunn -McCurdy条例,据悉,该条例规定了每个单位武器装备的成本增长。
Retail price is 29.95 per unit. We take into consideration changes in supply cost when figuring this price.
Checks unit cost to ensure that they are charged as per contract price.
Checkss unit cost to ensure that they are charged as per contract price.
It is important that how to employ limited cultivable areas to make per unit yield attain maximum without influencing ecological system and controlling production cost.
It is important that how to employ limited cultivable areas to make per unit yield attain maximum without influencing ecological system and controlling production cost.