Policy is set by the bank's governing council, which consists of the 17 heads of euro area central Banks plus the six members of the executive board, which includes Mr. Trichet.
Many managers have leading roles both in a function and on a council or board, which fosters co-operation.
The IAEA's board of governors has reported Damascus to the Security Council.
The OCLC Board of Trustees has appointed a new Record Use Policy Council to rework the terms of use governing its WorldCat bibliographic database.
OCLC理事会任命了一个新的记录使用政策委员会 修订其管理的WorldCat书目数据库的使用条款。
School board and city council meetings, for example, offer built-in opportunities for ordinary citizens to express their positions on local issues.
The tribal council appoints a board of directors to oversee Ho-Chunk, but Mr Morgan runs the firm, which pays the tribal council a 20% dividend.
No dividend bonus or other profit shall be paid out of the trust assets to any member of the board of trustees or of the council.
Under this board, the Technical Council for Public Accounting was created.
He also has a casting vote on the Technical Board and Community Council, should it come to a vote.
He said the IAEA's board of governors should condemn Tehran and that the Security Council should take up the matter.
The Foundation's new mission and vision, along with its new motto - Doing Good in the World - were approved by the Foundation Trustees and the RI Board and endorsed by the Council on Legislation.
Klaus Plate served as Member of the Board of the Council of Biotechnology Center, Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO), Washington DC, USA.
M. C. is on the board of directors of Caterpillar (China) Investment Co., Ltd., a member of the US-China Business Council and American-Chamber of Commerce.
Inside Otoh Gunga is the High Board Room of the Gungan Rep Council.
Article 19 a privately-run school shall set up an executive council, a board of directors or other forms of decision-making bodies of the school.
Temporary meetings when council consider necessary or demanded by more than one fifth of the representatives or convened by the board of supervisors.
One objective of the SAC is to informing the Board of the views of the organizations and individuals on the Council on major standard setting projects.
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (the Board) has developed registration standards, which have been approved by the Ministerial Council.
Article 24 The council, board or joint administrative committee of a Sino-foreign cooperative education institution shall hold at least one meeting each year.
Article 20 the school council, board of directors or any other decision-making institution shall hold at least one meeting every year.
The stakeholder Council (SC) is GRI's formal stakeholder policy forum and provides advice on key strategic and policy issues to GRI's Board of Directors.
The internal management approach tends to establish the Council system, the Board system and the committee system in universities.
Article 22 the chairman of the executive council or the board of directors or the principal of a privately-run school shall serve as the legal representative of the school.
Article 33 Council and board of supervisors should hold meetings at least once three months, and the backup directors and supervisors should attend the meetings respectively as nonvoting delegates.
The politics of the FIBA central board are very different from the politics of the United Nations Security Council, which is why Russia was excluded from the world championship as well as South Korea.
She is an appointed member of the Chinese Council of International Cooperation on Environment and Development and a member of the Board of Trustees of Environmental Defense Fund.
We have the Technical Board and the Community Council, both of which will help to decide the right course for Ubuntu.
He has sat on the Board and Technical Council of IASP and remains an active member of the Association. He has over 30 years of experience of developing and managing science and technology parks.
He has sat on the Board and Technical Council of IASP and remains an active member of the Association. He has over 30 years of experience of developing and managing science and technology parks.