I have just declared some variable types that I clearly know, and I used the cleanest Pyrex counter loop.
The examples so far -- counter and stack -- are very simple nonblocking algorithms and are easy to follow once you grasp the pattern of using CAS in a loop.
By default, this counter starts at 1 and is incremented each time the loop is taken.
You then use register 127 as your loop counter and register 126 as your base pointer, and perform convert_to_upper on each value until you get to the end of the buffer.
然后再将寄存器127用作循环计数器,将寄存器126用作基指针,并在每个值上执行convert _ to_upper,直到到达缓冲区的底部为止。
Normally, variables are best named by their use (like firstName or title), but as this variable is essentially a loop counter, using single letters is also fine.
变量一般最好根据用途命名(如 firstName或rtitle),不过由于这个变量基本上是一个循环计数器,也可使用单个字母。
Of course, you can run loops backward instead of forward, or increment the loop counter by something other than 1, or even eliminate the loop counter completely as you do in a while statement.
And, if this process is applied repeatedly, the entire loop can be collapsed into a single synchronized block with a single "counter=10000000" operation.
而且,如果重复应用这个过程,整个循环将缩水成一个单独的同步块,这个同步块中只有一个 "counter=10000000"操作。
The outer loop decrements a loop counter variable each time through the loop.
More importantly, -O3 also avoids keeping the loop counter in memory, even with the original source.
更重要的是, -O3也避免了在内存中保留循环计数器,即使使用原始源。
Look at the program counter register once in a while and try to detect that code simply burns a CPU in a tight loop.
You can simultaneously test 12 block samples, equipped with electronic counter can be set to record the number of times to loop.
With a 16-bit internal hardware counter, the decoder is feasible for interfacing encoder and CPU in the development of multi-axis closed-loop movement control system.
This example will loop 15 times. The counter will start at 15 and end at 1. (loops backwards)
This example will loop 15 times. The counter will start at 15 and end at 1. (loops backwards)