The idea that he had was, if you go from me to you, with a clockwise rotation, you go from you to me by a counterclockwise rotation.
When I was learning the dance, I always couldn't remember the two counterclockwise rotation movements.
However, it turned out that towards the North Pole of the Milky Way counterclockwise rotation among spiral galaxies is dominant, that is, they are oriented in the right direction.
If this option is not set, the counterclockwise rotation is assumed. the way it influences the acquired signals is set by the service staff outside the program as a general principle.
Due to the earth's rotation, hurricanes spin counterclockwise north of the equator and clockwise south of it.
Let's say that in the plane we look at the transformation that does rotation by 90 degrees let's say, counterclockwise.
Turn: her hands cupping gills, let eye according to the top, bottom, left and right order rotation 10 times, then counterclockwise, clockwise every rotating 10 times.
The author holds further that the crank pin rotation on conventional pumping units should be assigned in counterclockwise...
The author holds further that the crank pin rotation on conventional pumping units should be assigned in counterclockwise...