The other names of this dog are Chinese pug, Dutch bulldog, Dutch mastiff and Mini mastiff and its country of origin is China.
Living conditions are vastly different from those pertaining in their country of origin.
Immigrant parents could talk about their country of origin and why they emigrated to the United States.
Their country of origin is Canada.
But in its country of origin, Switzerland.
Not just in country of origin but also in prior experience.
All meat should be clearly labeled with its country of origin.
Create an online application form tailored to the country of origin.
Name of commodity, specifications, country of origin, manufacturers.
They are fearless and are very easy to train. The country of origin of this breed is Germany.
"The concept of country of origin for manufactured goods has gradually become obsolete," Lamy said.
In China, its country of origin, the tangram puzzle was considered a game for women and children.
So called "capital" or "hot money" does not "flow" from one country of origin into another country.
The country of origin of their grandparents, a country with which they had no connection, and the language of which they did not speak?.
Both sides attribute new drugs to a specific country of origin (based on the location of the headquarters of the firm that first launches them).
Quality and sustainability throughout the whole chain are illustrated by showing the proud farmer from the country of origin enjoying the final product.
The foundation had clearly stated its goal to restore, preserve, and publish the long-hidden text and then return the original to its country of origin.
Once ivory has left its country of origin, and if it is seized by customs officials, it can be hard to identify its source and those responsible for acquiring it.
A rare bottle of rare wine country of origin are necessarily contains the soul of the land, its wonderful is that wine can not be recycled elsewhere imitated.
However, researchers can often learn clues about the attackers' country of origin by studying the language and other signs in the malicious software's programming.
Later I joined the Hertz Gold Card program — the check-in process is automatic for Gold Card holders — so my country of origin needn't be the subject of ongoing debate.
Later I joined the Hertz Gold Card program — the check-in process is automatic for Gold Card holders — so my country of origin needn't be the subject of ongoing debate.