Spurs midfielder Gareth Bale was also courtside to take in the action.
Snooker and table tennis courtside behaviour includes a ban on flash photography.
Being part of that scene is not cheap. Especially for those in the courtside seats.
Houston's Ron Artest made his second appearance of the series, sitting courtside for Wednesday's game.
Plenty of Hollywood giants were sitting courtside, but Bryant's popularity here can rival most of them.
After Ariza dunked over Hill, a solitary voice from the courtside seats could be heard over the din of the crowd.
Police have also been looking into the incident after four men were arrested at the courtside under the Public Order Act.
In the final seconds, Bryant talked animatedly with courtside Rockets fans who presumably weren't congratulating him on his game.
It provides an all-access pass to exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes action and an unforgettable courtside view of the NBA Finals.
This official DVD provides an all-access pass to exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes action and an unforgettable courtside view of the NBA Finals.
Her frequent joking in courtside interviews about life with Jiang Shan, 34, her former coach and husband of eight years, helped her become a global icon.
The Houston Rockets brought their defense and showed it to the Lakers' players, coaches, courtside fans and anyone else tuning in expecting to see a one-sided Lakers victory.
Tad Carper, Cavs vice president of communication, said yesterday that he would invite Towler and three guests to sit courtside for next week's playoff game in Cleveland against the Boston Celtics.
昨天泰德.卡珀(TadCarper),骑士队的联络副总(vice president ofcommunication)说,下周在克利夫兰市举行的骑士队&波士顿凯尔特人比赛,他将邀请托勒和三位嘉宾到现场观看。
Tad Carper, Cavs vice president of communication, said yesterday that he would invite Towler and three guests to sit courtside for next week's playoff game in Cleveland against the Boston Celtics.
昨天泰德.卡珀(TadCarper),骑士队的联络副总(vice president ofcommunication)说,下周在克利夫兰市举行的骑士队&波士顿凯尔特人比赛,他将邀请托勒和三位嘉宾到现场观看。