Which might explain why, after reading my craigslist AD, one respondent wrote, "So."
A free Craigslist AD is an economical option, particularly if you want to sell your computer locally, which is always easiest.
The classified-ad market was ravaged by free listings websites such as Craigslist.
But now she's trying a new tactic. In an AD on an Internet bulletin board called craigslist she appeals for a Good Samaritan with O-positive blood.
如今她正在尝试一种新的方式:在craiglist网站公告板上登广告,用这种方法寻找O +血型的好心人为她捐献肾脏。
In an AD on an Internet bulletin board called craigslist she appeals for a Good Samaritan with O-positive blood.
craiglist网站公告板上登广告,用这种方法寻找O +血型的好心人为她捐献肾脏。
I recommend: Advertise your services at Craigslist, which allows you to post free classified ads that stay online for as long as 45 days, depending on the type of AD and the city in which you live.
Around Christmas I searched for a single-fathers group on Craigslist. I even placed an AD.
She reported that on April 10 she had met with a tall, blond male in his 20s who had answered an AD of hers on Craigslist.
The anonymous 25- year-old woman recently posted an ad on the free online New York community Web site Craigslist, appealing for advice on how to find a wealthy husband.
The anonymous 25- year-old woman recently posted an ad on the free online New York community Web site Craigslist, appealing for advice on how to find a wealthy husband.