I'll shoot some craps or play some blackjack.
When life craps on you, don't pick up the rock.
Playing catch, shooting craps, jawing at each other, making deals.
One night Mr. Munson was sitting at a bar in Las Vegas, playing craps.
You do not need to understand a complex system of betting, as in craps.
Ghost: there are craps in the toilet bowl but no one has been to the closet.
Playing catch, shooting craps, jawing at each other, making deals. Exercise period.
That was like watching someone catch fire at a craps table for two solid hours without crapping out.
King Zhou's crazy supporter. He can't achieve? Any great accomplishment, because he just know how to talk craps.
Certain bets on the craps table have some of the best odds in a casino, unless you're going to do real work like counting CARDS.
Yes, the methods of turning a hunk of plastic into a shiny thing is getting better, so these piece-o-craps look better than ever close up.
So I don't get mad at my wife for spending $200 on some red strappy shoes or a purse, and she doesn't get mad at me when I buy a PlayStation 3 or blow my money at the craps table.
This is useful if you're using any RPG system that is d6-based, or playing a board game like Monopoly or Backgammon, or if you're trying to work out the odds in a dice game like Craps.
A casino does not have a risk that the law of large Numbers will be repealed and a roulette table will be a long-term losing proposition or a craps table will be a long-term losing proposition.
A casino does not have a risk that the law of large Numbers will be repealed and a roulette table will be a long-term losing proposition or a craps table will be a long-term losing proposition.