Merlin's research into recently declassified documents on the OXCART project unearthed a memorandum that reported that all traces of the plane had been removed from the crash scene in 1963.
At this point, you might be able to muddle through and make the project successful despite the technology's limitations, or the project may crash around you amid a shattering of lost hopes and dreams.
The World Bank, in its first project dedicated solely to road safety, is supporting efforts to improve road engineering, policing, public road safety education, and post-crash response.
A. Crash or fast track the project.
Grail project manager David Lehman says NASA will intentionally crash the probes into a mountain near the Moon's North Pole.
But Saturday's deadly train crash near the city of Wenzhou has touched off widespread anger and doubt about the safety of the showpiece infrastructure project.
Give cost and time data for project tasks, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to compute the cost of normal and crash schedules and the minimum total cost schedule.
This paper introduced the construction technology of anti-crash barrier and deck pavement in freeway in combination with the project. Several related problems for construction are also discussed.
And at the same time, we can undertake turn-key project of various kinds of crash-filter equipment according to the customer's requirement at any moment.
And at the same time, we can undertake turn-key project of various kinds of crash-filter equipment according to the customer's requirement at any moment.