Create the authentication alias matching the user name and password used when creating the database.
This reference is used to create the entry in the name service database.
An application with proper access to the database can create a name to be stored in the name service database.
Note: The system fails to create the table if a table with the same name already exists in the user database.
Connection configuration-a set of required property values used to create database connections, including the database version, database vendor, port number, and host name.
You will always require the server name, port, user ID, password, and database name to create connections.
If we couldn't find an entry with the user's name, we create an entry and a database, based on the naming convention described previously in this section.
The class can also create a type of the value of a database field, given the field name of the database table.
Create a new database using the wizard, which will give you a 7-step wizard where you only have to specify the name of the new empty database (something like ECO2).
Finally, install DB2 UDB, create an instance of the DB2 database (name it DB2).
最后,安装DB 2UDB,创建一个DB 2数据库实例(命名为DB 2)。
Once you've given your new schema a name, you'll be prompted to create a database to associate with that schema.
Create an archive directory under the database name directory.
Make sure you change the dbname in the script to the correct name for your database, and then create the users user1 and user2 before running the test.
You can also automatically create a user's private Name and Address database, in case that user wants to use private distribution lists.
Use the New button to create an authentication entry that contains the user name and password of a database user which has access to the Sample database.
Under the splog directory, create a directory with same name as your database name.
Screen cap: Create database wizard, with fields for database name, default path, alias, and comment.
屏幕图:Create database向导,其中包含数据库名、默认路径、别名和注释字段。
The connection URL has three parts: a protocol (jdbc:cloudscape), a database name (SimpleDB), and an attribute (create=true).
连接URL有三个部分:协议(jdbc:cloudscape )、数据库名称(SimpleDB )和属性(create=true )。
True to form, you want to store some songs in this database, with fields for song title, artist name, and album name. To create a document, follow this pattern.
Next, provide the service name and the database name for the clone database and create it.
Additional functions let you create tables (giving each table a name), remove tables, and obtain information about the database.
Create your database projects in a folder that has a shorter path name.
Create your database projects in a folder that has a shorter path name.