Clicking the Add button next to the parameter list brings up a Create parameter dialog, where you can type in the name, type, and dimension of the parameter.
You can add a new extension by clicking the add extension button, which starts the Create Metaclass extension dialog shown in Figure 8.
When you click the New button, the "Create New Derived Attribute" dialog window will appear (Figure 16).
On the Create new application dialog (Figure 6), enter or select the appropriate values for all fields and then click the Create button.
In the "Update sites to visit" dialog box, click the new remote site button to create a new remote site from which to download plug-ins.
在“Updatesites tovisit”对话框中,单击newRemotesite按钮来创建从其中下载插件的新远程站点。
In the Create new bean dialog of the AAT, if you select the home interface using the Browse button, the remote interface and the bean class are automatically filled in.
Next click the create External Key table button to display a dialog box that confirms your choices and creates the table. Here is the table created in db2.
For example, you can create a control such as a button for use in a dialog, or toolbar for use in a Web page.
To do so quickly, create a new dialog box template and customize it with the logo and the Help button.
To do so quickly, create a new dialog box template and customize it with the logo and the Help button.