Create new document, with width and height 50% of our water rectangle.
For now, select the Create New Document option, choosing a convenient location for the project.
现在,选择Create New Document选项,为项目选择一个方便的位置。
You can edit the stylesheet line-by-line directly in this document as well, create new stylesheets from scratch, or paste in existing stylesheets.
In the first example, you create a document, then add a new module to the standard library for that document.
Create a new document, using any of the supported page types, and publish it in a folder that is configured for integration.
Create a new document with shortcuts.
This makes it very easy to create new source document types or change the presentation format of archetypes without having to search and replace through hundreds of style sheets.
Create a new content document.
The code that gets executed only has to create a new document with all the necessary fields to make it a full-fledged journal document.
You can just copy the content and create a new XML document to format.
You are presented with an empty form to create a new document (see figure 4).
What you'd like to be able to do is write one style sheet that handles all of the balance-type fields in the original document, without having to recode each new document type you create.
The design is to use the XSLT output stream to create a new, refined document and an XSLT extension to write the log messages to a separate output stream.
Create a new document with your terms added in the described format.
You can then choose to edit the current document, or create a new document.
Any change to the document causes a new revision ID and can create a conflict.
When the user clicks the button, the values entered in those edit boxes are used to create a new document in the database.
First of all, create a new document.
Open up Adobe Photoshop and create a New Document.
[DXLCreateDoc] accepts XML in DXL format and processes the client request to create a new document.
The [DXLCreateDoc] agent processes client requests to create a new document.
By now, you've seen how to write XQueries that retrieve XML document fragments, create new forms of XML output, and return different output based on conditions specified in queries themselves.
This will make more sense if you consider an example: Given specialization and a generic DTD such as HTML, you can create a new document type (call it MyHTML).
At this point, you know how to create a new QueryPath object pointing to a document, and you've also seen a simple CSS selector.
Create a new parser or document builder.
The next step is to create a new document type subform in the custom File Cabinet template. This subform allows us to save the chat transcripts.
For example, when you create a new document in Microsoft Word, the cursor displays at the top of the page.
Open Photoshop and create a new document using the this dimensions 1020px X 1240px, and set the background color to #e6e9d4
好了,让我们开始吧。打开photoshop创建一个新文档,尺寸是1020pxX 1240px,背景颜色设置为 #e6e9d4。
Press Ctrl/Cmd + N to create a new document.
Just as you do when you create a journal entry, you have to create a new document with the right items.