She reused some bicycle parts and created a washing machine that saves time, energy and keeps people fit at the same time.
The artwork must then be created to fit on the newly designed packaging and meet any marketing, legal, and corporate requirements.
Created a product that perfectly fit the need of its target audience (casual dater).
I've created a simple Web application that you can look at to see how the NumberFormatter plug-in can fit in your applications.
From 1936 to 1941 breeders at USDA's Beltsville, Md., Agricultural Research Center created a smaller Turkey that would fit the era's smaller ovens and families.
The hip, utilitarian image created by VW's innovative advertising fit my own self-image, and the price was right.
After all shapes are complete we can start deforming them to fit the base ceiling rose we created in module one which will leave us with the completed model.
It was created by nanotechnologists at the University of Glasgow. It is so small that it could fit on to the surface of a postage stamp 8,276 times.
For example, a mobile site created for BMW was optimized for Android smartphones but did not fit Android tablets.
It is at this stage where the design moves from science towards art, everything that is created must fit the 'eye' of the architect to achieve the best results.
Adapter plates are available for common motor styles, and custom adapter plates can be created to fit any application.
The dark archangel Michael created his own benevolent species to raise havoc as they saw fit.
Your website will be created so that you can make changes when and if you see fit.
For that I created a normal plane in the middle of the grass part and in edit poly mode selecting the edges I began to extrude and adjust the terrain to fit with the grass parts.
They have created the world's smallest wireless data chip, which will allow us fit more images in our scrapbooks.
It was this kind of fantasy that he created with a lot of degenerate, very "out-there" people, and she just fit in.
They are integration experts and smart business people, who understood the needs of Sports Image and created a solution that is the perfect fit for our analysis needs.
To fully appreciate our services please feel free to visit our campus to see by yourself how your child may fit into this global yet tight community we have created.
The mistletoe did not fit into any of these categories, so an evil spirit by the name of Loki created an arrow out of mistletoe and gave it to Balder's brother, Holder.
All coils are active in an extension spring, and it is the initial that holds the coils together tightly. Designs are limitless and may be created to fit your particular application.
The graph-based model of network division is created, an algorithm fit for worm spread restraint is brought forward, and the theoretic analyze and simulations prove the efficiency of this approach.
The graph-based model of network division is created, an algorithm fit for worm spread restraint is brought forward, and the theoretic analyze and simulations prove the efficiency of this approach.