They can view who was blogging on what topic and find out who previously accessed documents with Creative Commons licenses.
他们可以查看谁在记录哪个主题,并找出之前谁使用Creative Commons许可证访问了文档。
It has become a common practice in the world of syndication to associate copyright licenses with content; the most popular use case being the association of Creative Commons licenses.
在联合领域,将版权许可与内容相关联已成为一个常见作法,最流行的用例是Creative Commons许可的关联。
From their smartphones or on their desktop computers, the physicists can protect their research papers with Creative Commons licenses and join interactive online meetings in real time.
物理学家通过智能手机或桌面计算机使用Creative Commons许可证保护他们的研究论文,并加入实时交互式在线会议。
As you can see, the representation of these licenses is logical and easy to understand once you are familiar with the Creative Commons terminology.
如您所见,一旦熟悉了Creative commons术语,这些许可的表示就显得具有逻辑性而且简单易懂。
As you can see, the representation of these licenses is logical and easy to understand once you are familiar with the Creative Commons terminology.
如您所见,一旦熟悉了Creative commons术语,这些许可的表示就显得具有逻辑性而且简单易懂。