Alternatives provide a credible threat to suppliers, even if the ability to switch is constrained.
Round 4: If the foes are still mounting a credible threat, retreat using dimension door.
So, some well-chosen sanctions, or even a credible threat to consider them, might have an impact.
But a credible threat of bankruptcy could scare creditors into negotiation, to avoid bigger losses.
A call for the Israelis to freeze settlements is effective only if it is accompanied by the credible threat of a reduction in aid.
But that makes any Tory threat to veto Croatia's accession in furtherance of unrelated British demands far less credible.
The absence of a credible alternative to the dollar means that, despite its declining value, its status as the world's reserve currency is not seriously under threat.
I determined on my own authority that the threat was credible enough and I took appropriate action.
U. s. officials say there is no credible, specific intelligence about any imminent terrorist threat against the United States.
Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.
The F-16 can deliver a crippling ground strike and still maintain a credible air threat.
因此F - 16能在执行强大对地攻击的同时仍不失为一种可靠的空中威胁。
But that makes any Tory threat to veto Croatia furtherance of unrelated British demands far less credible.
The sample collection standard is a two-step procedure that is performed after an initial risk assessment is conducted and a visible powder is deemed a credible biological threat.
The official, who received an investigative update on the case, said any threat has been deemed not credible.
The official, who received an investigative update on the case, said any threat has been deemed not credible.