Credit rating agencies are also keeping an eye on Toyota's brand image.
Anything the credit rating agencies say has to be taken with a block of salt.
Tighter regulation for credit rating agencies, to prevent conflicts of interest.
Credit rating agencies are warning about the debts of Portugal and Spain and others may follow.
SIMON: And please remind us what these credit rating agencies do, and why they have such influence.
Credit rating agencies downgraded AIG A. I. G. because of concerns it could not honor its contracts.
The fourth section has presented the rules of the business rule of the corporate credit rating agencies.
They duly singled out hedge funds, credit rating agencies, tax havens and executive compensation for tighter regulation.
Esoteric securities backed by these mortgages were grossly mis-valued by the computer models of big Banks and credit rating agencies.
We should strengthen supervision and regulation over credit rating agencies, the shadow banking system and trans-border capital flows.
The same fate has befallen the big three credit rating agencies, whose deeply flawed ratings were exposed when the us housing bubble burst.
We will exercise strong oversight over credit rating agencies, consistent with the agreed and strengthened international code of conduct.
Two leading credit rating agencies have downgraded some of Spain's largest Banks, citing a deteriorating outlook for the Spanish economy.
There should be supervision over the macroeconomic policies of major reserve currency issuing economies and over sovereign credit rating agencies.
Earlier this week, the other two major credit rating agencies, Fitch and Moody's, reaffirmed their versions of AAA ratings after the end of the debt ceiling fight.
The international organization of securities regulators should review credit rating agencies' adoption of the standards and mechanisms for monitoring compliance.
The three largest credit rating agencies have said that it's too early to decide whether the recent earthquake will lead to downgrades for Japanese sovereign debt.
Meanwhile, supervision on credit rating agencies should be strengthened, supervision models should be explored and dependence on external credit rating agencies should be reduced.
One of the world's major credit rating agencies is raising doubts about Portugal's ability to pay back its debt, sparking renewed concern about the stability of Europe's weaker economies.
There are many questions an enterprising United States senator might want to ask the credit-rating agencies.
It is not surprising that investors and credit-rating agencies view the prospect of a hung parliament with alarm, fearing that the lack of firm leadership will delay fiscal retrenchment.
The three big credit-rating agencies have overhauled their methods of assessing default risk in the American subprime-mortgage market in the past month.
The new rules will bring things such as credit derivatives and credit-rating agencies into the regulatory net.
For the past year investors and credit-rating agencies have been living in a state of suspended disbelief as Britain's public finances have deteriorated vertiginously.
For the past year investors and credit-rating agencies have been living in a state of suspended disbelief as Britain's public finances have deteriorated vertiginously.