Carrying out the credit insurance of bank loan can reduce the credit risk of bank effectively and provide more business for insurance.
This paper puts emphasis on discussing the issue of country risk assessment in the field of export credit insurance.
Engineering guarantee warrantee is not only an important means of risk transferring in construction engineering, but also an important tool of credit insurance between proprietor and contractor.
So, export Credit Insurance is a special export receipt risk protection service to encourage exporters to expand their export trade to foreign markets.
Current Research Interests: economics and credit risk management of banking, corporate finance theory, behavioral finance, economics of risk and insurance, contract theory.
The insurance of the housing mortgage credit plays an important role on dissolving Bank credit risk and stimulating personal house consumption.
The insurance sector is a net taker of credit risk (through these derivatives), but these net positions form a small part (generally 3 to 4 percent) of their asset portfolios.
The insurance sector is a net taker of credit risk (through these derivatives), but these net positions form a small part (generally 3 to 4 percent) of their asset portfolios.