This avoids "feature creep", in which requirements work remains constant or even increases.
As you can see in this simple example of iterative traveling, we've encountered similar events to software risks, feature creep, unexpected breakdowns beyond our control, and recovery plans.
This avoids "feature creep," in which requirements work remains constant or even increases.
Of course, having joined another standards committee myself, I suppose I too will soon be guilty of participating in feature creep.
Like every developer can tell you, feature creep is a standard part of our lives.
In many styles of software development, adding a feature after the project plan has been approved is termed as "feature creep."
And even if you don't, you'll have to contend with late-entry feature requests or bugs that creep in where you least expected them or just the unexpected factors of life itself; so stay flexible.
而且,即使什么也不忘记,也必须面对后来的特性请求或者在最想不到的地方出现 bug 或者生活本身的不可见因素;所以请保持灵活。
That question is a variation on a more general lament regarding the consumer-electronics industry-what critics call "feature creep."
Leo points to all sorts of things, from the quagmire of inaction to "feature creep" and suggests the Power of Less. And you know he's full of good ideas.
Neither are carmakers, despite their long tradition of chiselling away at product costs, immune from feature-creep.
The original concept has been lost in a blizzard of feature-creep.
The experimental results showed that the dynamic strain has feature of cyclic creep. Cyclic loading affected the creep and creep speed.
In the past 'feature creep,' or adding more features than Nokia could deliver on time, led to delays.
以前,“功能蔓延”(feature creep,即添加更多无法按时交付的功能)的做法曾导致诺基亚产品延期发布。
In the past 'feature creep,' or adding more features than Nokia could deliver on time, led to delays.
以前,“功能蔓延”(feature creep,即添加更多无法按时交付的功能)的做法曾导致诺基亚产品延期发布。