But in practise considerations of expediency must creep in beside considerations of morality.
In this aspect, their reasons for grumbling may be valid but they should beware of the danger of self-righteousness which may creep in and trap them.
Problems creep in, however, when we try to scale this up — that is, when we try to gather all requirements, then do all design, then all development, then all testing in a strictly linear fashion.
In real life, however, developers often creep away from this design principle in the course of making revisions.
"And he's still so small you can creep in to find if he has kicked off the clothes and tuck him in again," said Diana enviously. "Jack's nine, you know, and he doesn't want me to do that now."
Scope creep (also called requirement creep) in project management refers to uncontrolled changes in a project's scope.
Though they seem to creep along at impossibly slow speeds, in geologic time glaciers are relatively fast, powerful landscape artists that can carve out valleys and fjords in just a few thousand years.
It is shown that creep curve determined by creep parameters, obtained by test data in one year or two years, is totally in agreement with the test curve.
Soft rock wall of tunnels in deep mining will have large creep deformation when the stress in rock is near its ultimate strength.
Therefore, it is proposed that creep parameters determined by test data in one year are adopted in practical engineering to assure a good precision in analysis and calculation of structures.
Finally, the examples of external load due to the salt creep in the tertiary of Yingmaili oil field have been performed under heterogeneous and homogeneous in-situ stresses.
There used to be a hole in the fence that we could creep through, but it's been boarded in.
In the computation of stress field, the factors, such as temperature load, deadweight of concrete, water potential, creep stress and self expansion of concrete, are involved in the program.
There were some analysis and probe of creep in main Steam pipe and reheat pipe (hot segment) in service utility boiler.
In the first part of the paper, variation principles in the elastic and creep theory for prestressed concrete plates are derived respectively.
In this paper, the stress condition in the surrounding rock of underground tunnel is analysed with the creep damage modelling of damage mechanics.
In this paper, the fracture process in creep of main steam pipeline is studied by metallographical and fracture mechanics.
In this paper, the creep compliance of Hot-plate welded joint of PE80 pipe is measured, and the effect of creep on the crack tip stress field in the weld is investigated.
In a deep dark lair, in Backyard USA, creep the Evil Black Bugs.
The results of deformation analysis show that the north of Xiansuihe fault zone is in creep and that the south of the fault zone is in locking with strain accumulation.
In order to get low surface roughness and high material remove rate, basic research on the optimization of process parameters in creep feed ultrasonic grinding engineering ceramics was conducted.
The creep mechanisms are dislocation glide at lower testing temperatures in higher stress levels and dislocation climb at higher temperatures in lower stress levels.
In this paper are provided technology parameters and introduced the structure of grinding machine and practical application examples of creep grinding technology in the factory.
The high temperature creep deformation of certain material used in aerial engines lamina was detected by means of high temperature moire interferometry in this paper.
Variations of gravity field in this area may be caused by the earth crust deformation, quality transition in deep crust and fault creep deformation.
Creep characteristics of rock mass discontinuity is very important in solving the practical problems in rock mechanics.
The main reason of casing failure in most oilfields is the plastic flow in salt rock, gypsolyte and shale due to creep.
The fault has been mainly in stick slip from Subei to Arkesai, and in creep slip from Bage Valley to Changma Dam since Holocene Epoch.
The fault has been mainly in stick slip from Subei to Arkesai, and in creep slip from Bage Valley to Changma Dam since Holocene Epoch.