The creep of salt rock is very harmful in petroleum drilling.
The nonlinear creep damage mechanism of rock salt is investigated with triaxial creep tests, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation in the study.
Through the creep characteristic curves and parameters, the creep constitutive equation of rock salt is regressed and agrees with the experiment result.
The main reason of casing failure in most oilfields is the plastic flow in salt rock, gypsolyte and shale due to creep.
The creep property of rock salt with mudstone interlayer is key to the stability analysis of oil and gas storage caverns in rock salt.
Rheological phenomenon is a common dynamic action with its creep damage being one of the major damage types of rock salt.
The creep mechanical parameters of Jintan rock salt are obtained with fitting tests data into the model.
Distribution of Triassic salt bed is very wide in Sichuan Area and the condition of salt rock creep resulting in casing collapse is existing.
Through uniaxial and triaxial compression and creep experiment of rock salt under on high temperature and high pressure, the strength and time dependent properties of rock salt are studied.
The topic of development in this text is study on creep property of rock salt with salt-mudstone interlayer and stability of oil and gas storage cavern.
Therefore, there is some significance for studying the law of salt-gypsum rock creep in drilling engineering.
Salt rock can make borehole close in the effect of creep, which often leads to stuck.
It showed that the constitutive model could be used to simulate mechanical characteristics of rock salt such as creep and damage properties.
It showed that the constitutive model could be used to simulate mechanical characteristics of rock salt such as creep and damage properties.