Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate.
The crime rate is not high. I come from Detroit where crime is a lot higher there than it is in New York.
No one disputes the direct linkage between the unemployment rate and crime.
It is indisputable that the crime rate has been rising.
The city's crime rate is a serious turn-off to potential investors.
Their basic criticism was that prisons do not reduce the crime rate, they cause recidivism.
If new police statistics are to be believed, the crime rate for the 21 most serious categories has fallen by nearly a fifth in the past 15 years.
The reason for South Africa’s high crime rate is a topic of anguished debate.
The reason for South Africa's high crime rate is a topic of anguished debate.
Questionnaires by the Home Office show that people have in fact become quite a lot happier with the crime situation in their local area, but that worries about the national crime rate still run high.
It has parks, a low crime rate, and community events, including the annual four-day Port Orange Family Days festival.
Crime is also an issue: the crime rate remains above the state average.
We also used the Onboard Informatics data to screen for other retiree-friendly characteristics, such as access to health care and a low crime rate.
Which state has the highest crime rate in the U.S.?
He also wins plaudits for his country's low crime rate and for keeping its parliamentarians more or less on the straight and narrow, especially in terms of wealth.
New York's crime rate withered when he ran its police force in the mid-1990s, and Los Angeles has become more law-abiding ever since he arrived in 2002.
In Williamsville's town square, the area where its citizens were once most outraged at the high crime rate, not a single crime has been reported since the curfew was introduced.
Some streets are dilapidated and the crime rate is high, but turn a corner and there are fine houses, with barbecues and decent cars in the driveways.
Statistics show the crime rate rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities.
At the time of writing, I'm in Buenos Aires, which has a rising crime rate, due to growing poverty.
With 35% of its residents living in extreme poverty, the city's high crime rate doesn't come as much of a surprise.
Even though we as U.S. military here in Japan have very low crime rate, half that of the local population, still we are guests here and one incident is one too many.
INTUITIVE theories are often easier to believe in than to prove. For instance: conventional wisdom says that the crime rate should rise during a recession.
Yet, if the official statistics are to be believed, the crime rate for the 21 most serious offences has actually fallen by 17%.
E the suburbs are popular because people enjoy more space for their homes and the crime rate is usually lower.
He did so by noting that the overall crime rate in Florida is at its lowest in 35 years.
By 1995, the last time I lived there, Russia had disintegrated into a rudderless mess, defined most by a bestial crime rate and Boris Yeltsin's kleptocracy in the Kremlin.
John Lott of the University of Maryland argues that short-term fluctuations in the crime rate are fairly idiosyncratic, and that trends should be observed over a longer period.
The city's crime rate has dropped 30 percent since the department began using the software in 2005.