In 1854, lots of British soldiers went to fight in the Crimean War.
Passing the halls by one by one you like 'live' through the events of that time from the Crimean War till the WWII.
Passing the halls by one by one, you like 'live' through the events of that time from the Crimean War till the WWII.
Florence Nightingale is known as a nurse, but she also made a new kind of pie chart showing how many soldiers in the Crimean war died from military action and how many from disease.
As a matterof fact, the economic conflict among European powers, especially that betweenGreat Britain and Russia, was the economic source or the cardinal cause oft he Crimean War.
When that seam was mined out, by the 1990s, she turned to historical fiction, tackling such subjects as Scott in the Antarctic (“The Birthday Boys”) or the Crimean war (“Master Georgie”).
When that seam was mined out, by the 1990s, she turned to historical fiction, tackling such subjects as Scott in the Antarctic (“The Birthday Boys”) or the Crimean war (“Master Georgie”).