However, in theory there are still various views on the difference between preparation for a crime and expression of criminal intent and offense of conspiracy.
Add to those covered up achievements the recently revealed technologies such as through the wall radar, airport criminal intent detectors, and electronic sight for the blind.
Lure investigation is a kind of special investigation means in criminal suit, which can be divided into two types: the model of enticement of criminal intent and the model of chance offering.
The criminal intent suggestion enticement detection is to the person who does not have the criminal intent, we adopt the initiative positive behavior and entices him to implement the crime intensely.
Although the prescript of Intent crime doesn't have a large proportion in criminal laws of each country in the world, it still can be considered an important type of crime in criminal law.
How to understand and determine the intent of illegal possession in the crime of contractual fraud, therefore, is an important topic for criminal law theory and in practical sector.
How to understand and determine the intent of illegal possession in the crime of contractual fraud, therefore, is an important topic for criminal law theory and in practical sector.