South African statistics indicate a success ratio of around 2% in as far as the rehabilitation of a criminal offender is concerned. This alarming statistic speaks for itself.
The evidence plays a vital role in the criminal prosecution, and it is the important basis to investigate case and determine the punishment of criminal offender, so people pay more attention to it.
If it suspects any other person of hiding the offender or concealing criminal evidence, it may also conduct a search of that person, his articles and residence and other relevant places.
Article 23 a criminal attempt refers to a case where an offender has already started to commit a crime but is prevented from completing it for reasons independent of his will.
Article 23 a criminal attempt refers to a case where an offender has already begun to commit a crime but is prevented from completing it for reasons independent of his will.
The concept of principal offender is not mentioned in criminal law in China and the study on the character of criminal participation system is seldom dealt among scholars.
The study of implicated offender is not only a subject of important and practical value, but also one of the problems in criminal law theory and criminal justice.
The judicial departments have come to an agreement with protecting the lawful rights and interests of suspected offender and defendant during the criminal procedure.
In the current law, the design of recent program of victim-offender mediation can take criminal private prosecution and mediation system on traffic disturbance case as background.
On the purpose of restoring social relationship, compensating the injure to victim and making offender correct his criminal behavior to come back to the community.
Implicated offense is a kind of crime quantity in criminal theory, and the punishment principle of implicated offender is always focused on by criminal theory and judicial practice.
Where the importation or exportation of goods infringing an intellectual property right constitutes a crime, the offender shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.
It is necessary to bring criminal behaviors such as usurping and defrauding the virtual possessions into the criminal law and charge the offender with the crime of possessions.
对窃取、骗取网络虚拟财产的行为,有必要纳入刑法规制的范畴,以财产犯罪论处; 对利用网络侵犯著作权的复制行为宜做扩大理解,且有必要将不以营利为目的相同行为也作犯罪对待;
Article 28 of criminal law is an additional regulation about prime culprit and accessory. According to the theory of function classification, the coerced offender does not exist at all.
Article 28 of criminal law is an additional regulation about prime culprit and accessory. According to the theory of function classification, the coerced offender does not exist at all.