Using incremental capture to gather Criteria queries.
Now the SQL that comes from the Criteria queries will also execute statically.
If your Hibernate application USES Criteria queries, you can use incremental capture to get the SQL for the Criteria queries and convert it to static SQL.
Since the queries are dynamic, with unknown selection criteria at compile time, plan generation can be incorrect, even with the availability of full distribution statistics on the data.
The client queries that registry either dynamically at run-time or, more likely, at development time to locate one or more of those providers that meet some defined criteria.
Similarly, queries used to list items based on a selection in the index would also change to take in the new criteria.
Of course, inheritance criteria extends into native queries just as strongly as it does the simple object queries I've done so far.
The primary page for the initial phase of the project, for example, would collect selection criteria for dynamic queries.
How can we handle queries that need to group various sets of criteria? For example, suppose I want to find all employees where?
The Criteria API enables a programmatic construction of queries using an object-based query graph.
The Criteria API also includes mechanisms for building queries dynamically at run time.
Now I'll show you how to develop some queries with the Criteria API.
The Criteria API is also a mechanism for building queries programmatically and so is often referred to as a dynamic query API.
CriteriaAPI还是以编程的方式构建查询的机制,因此通常被称为动态查询 API。
So far, I have mainly emphasized the strongly typed nature of the Criteria API and the fact that it helps to minimize syntactic errors that can creep into string-based JPQL queries.
The Criteria API assists in avoiding run time parsing exceptions and in writing complex dynamic queries without an in-depth knowledge of SQL.
The persistence module includes JPA version 2.0 (JSR 317) which has several enhancements to JPQL and offers a new Criteria API which can be used for dynamically constructing object-based queries.
持久化模块包括JPA 2.0 (JSR 317),JPA 2.0对JPQL有几点增强,还提供了新的CriteriaAPI,可动态创建基于对象的查询。
The embedded XQuery engine executes predefined queries based on dynamic search criteria.
The first XML document application is an XHTML page with an editable customer field that drives the selection criteria for the XML and relational database queries.
The primitive queries Service Registry and Repository for endpoint information that matches the criteria configured in the properties of the primitive.
元素在ServiceRegistry andRepository 中查询与元素属性中配置的条件匹配的端点信息。
If your Hibernate application USES JPA V2.0 Criteria API or your application USES inline queries, you can use incremental capture to get the SQL from these queries and convert to static SQL.
Second, it queries the registry to find the businesses that meet certain criteria.
The DAO may allow queries based on criteria other than the primary key.
His system improves the selection and evaluation processes by enabling remote assessment of appropriate wheelchair alternatives with advanced queries and selection criteria.
Lists rules and conventions for creating queries, as well as procedures on how to use criteria to get specific results.
In order to efficiently use cache to answer queries, we should choose history query which will be cached, give the selection criteria.
You use work item fields to track data for a work item type, to define the criteria for queries, and to design reports.
You use work item fields to track data for a work item type, to define the criteria for queries, and to design reports.