Affected by damping, the energy vibrator is no longer eternally fixed. This article analyses its irregular attenuated movement in the condition of over damping and critical damping.
The paper also discusses the fact when that certain precision requirements are met, the underdamping vibrator returns more quickly to the balance position than the critical damping vibrator.
The pulse forming unit is designed based on the critical-damping characteristics of RLC series-resonant circuit.
The effects of bearing damping, axial Reynolds Numbers and seal parameters on the critical speed of instability are investigated and the results can be utilized for turbopump rotor-seal system design.
The critical frequency is the function of damping and can be made as small as possible through selecting suitable damping. However the critical frequency has a lower limit.
The modal strain energy ratio of PAF to whole system is a critical variable to evaluate the contribution of the CDL to the whole system damping.
Some space structures have critical vibration problems owing to their low stiffness and low damping.
Study on viscous damping is critical for the design of silicon micromechanical vibratory gyroscopes.
Study on viscous damping is critical for the design of silicon micromechanical vibratory gyroscopes.