The concept of introducing critical repeated stress level into the Carter Model is expounded based on the critical state soil mechanics; and the Carter Model is modified.
在满足一般力学原理和临界状态土力学理论的基础上 ,本文将亚塑性理论与临界状态土力学相结合 ,推出了一个计算无粘性土静止土压力系数的理论公式 。
The concept of introducing critical repeated stress level into the Carter Model is expounded based on the critical state soil mechanics; and the Carter Model is modified.
在满足一般力学原理和临界状态土力学理论的基础上 ,本文将亚塑性理论与临界状态土力学相结合 ,推出了一个计算无粘性土静止土压力系数的理论公式 。