Above the critical temperature and under high pressure the vapor may become as dens and as incompressible as the liquid at lower temperature.
Critical pressure is used along with critical temperature to determine the state in which a fluid exists (liquid or gas) and to calculate compressibility factors.
The state of supercritical CO2 fluid can be obtained when the temperature and pressure are above the critical point.
The calculated critical temperature, pressure and density are also in good agreement with data from molecular simulations.
The critical Mach number is influenced by the initial pressure and temperature, but the temperature is the main factor.
When you raise the temperature and pressure of a fluid beyond a certain point, called the critical point, the fluid exhibits properties of both a liquid and a gas, and is called a supercritical fluid.
Near the critical temperature, mono-layer wasoccurred at low pressure , and followed by multi-layer adsorption as the pressure increased.
临界温度附近的吸附机理低压下为单分子层,高压下转变为多分子层; 远离临界温度时吸附机理仅为单分子层。
When the extrusion temperature was increased, the pressure vibration frequency and critical slid length decreased, while the vibration period increased.
The critical temperature and critical pressure of 1-hexene, the meniscus-disappearing temperature and meniscus-disappearing pressure of 1-bromopropane were measured with an open tube method.
This result show that Nanling ridge acts as a critical role in the establishment of DV of the lower-level temperature and pressure, which give rise to the DV of LLJ in South China .
This result show that Nanling ridge ACTS as a critical role in the establishment of DV of the lower-level temperature and pressure, which give rise to the DV of LLJ in South China.
The utility model can be used to research high-temperature, high-pressure and ultra-high-pressure reaction of over-critical fluid system.
The utility model can be used to research high-temperature, high-pressure and ultra-high-pressure reaction of over-critical fluid system.