The crop water stress index (CWSI) model for monitoring summer maize water stress in North China Plain (NCP) was set up in this paper.
A field study was conducted to determine the relationships between Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI), yield, and quality of cotton under drip irrigation with mulch.
A method to monitor drought using crop water stress index which is based on GIS technology combined with remote sensing data, graph and meteorological data was presented.
It involves providing creative solutions and alternative approaches, such as introducing crop varieties that can tolerate heat and water stress.
Photosynthesis is the basis of plant productivity and crop yield, water stress is a important environmental factor inhibiting photosynthesis.
Crop yields, affected by temperature and water stress as well as length of growing season fall by 10-25% and are less predictable as key regions shift from a warming to a cooling trend.
温度变化、水资源短缺以及生长期缩短10- 25%诸因素都将影响农作物产量,由于主要地区都会降温,未来产量更难预测。
The result of water-salt stress showed: it did certain harm to crop growth under light water-salt stress, but the harm was little. Yield under light water-salt stress was 83.36% of the control groups?
The result of water-salt stress showed: it did certain harm to crop growth under light water-salt stress, but the harm was little. Yield under light water-salt stress was 83.36% of the control groups?