A performance prediction model is established in this paper which taking ac count into gas compressibility and the change of cross section area of flow channel.
Control valve is a pipe attachment, which is used to change the channel cross-section and flow direction, the control flow of a medium transport device.
The calculation methods for overbank flow in straight channel and meandering channel with compound cross section are studied respectively.
Under the assumptions of the triangular cross section channel and the uniform stable flow, an analytical solution of MEIFR is deduced.
The entry convergent flow pattern was observed with flow visualization technique when the resin melt flowed through a die featuring abrupt contraction in cross-section of channel and axial symmetry.
应用毛细管流变仪测量了在接近实际挤出工艺条件下低密度聚乙烯熔体的流变性质; 应用流动可视化技术,观测了试样熔体流经突然收缩的轴对称口模时的入口收敛流型。
The entry convergent flow pattern was observed with flow visualization technique when the resin melt flowed through a die featuring abrupt contraction in cross-section of channel and axial symmetry.
应用毛细管流变仪测量了在接近实际挤出工艺条件下低密度聚乙烯熔体的流变性质; 应用流动可视化技术,观测了试样熔体流经突然收缩的轴对称口模时的入口收敛流型。