Quite a few analysts believe Apple and HTC might come to a cross-licensing agreement that will cost HTC a fixed sum per handset.
To avoid disputes, the two sides signed a patent cross-licensing agreement, under certain conditions to allow the transfer of certain patents to third parties.
To expedite the work, the Fieldbus Foundation and ISA have entered into a cross-licensing agreement allowing the two organizations to collaborate on wireless networks.
Yet there is cross-party consensus that an Ofpress, licensing journalists or imposing impartiality, would be a step too far.
Trading in these assets enables a company to access another company's inventive ideas, through cross licensing.
Two duopoly firms with the perfect complementary patents may conduct three types of patent transaction, they are no patent licensing, cross licensing, patent pools licensing respectively.
Two duopoly firms with the perfect complementary patents may conduct three types of patent transaction, they are no patent licensing, cross licensing, patent pools licensing respectively.