When the crops flower, they will cross-pollinate, and the organic farmer may have a problem.
These two cultures are generally failing to cross-pollinate like they should, despite potentially extraordinary opportunities.
This is not a one man's job, this should be done collaboratively with all those directly involved in order to cross-pollinate ideas.
The Roundup Ready opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops. And they say the crops can cause the growth of weeds that resist Roundup.
Because the research was done on plants, some skeptical of the findings thought it came from cross-pollination even though the plants self-pollinate.
Because the research was done on plants, some skeptical of the findings thought it came from cross-pollination even though the plants self - pollinate.
That may be because film is so much younger than the other great art forms, which have had centuries to wane, wax, mutate and cross - pollinate.
That may be because film is so much younger than the other great art forms, which have had centuries to wane, wax, mutate and cross - pollinate.